Yesterday was my friend Hui Yee and our youth advisor Ee Hsin's birthday. What a coincidence that their birthday fall on the same date. So it also save us some trouble to just celebrate their birthday once...hehe~~which is also killing two birds at once...erm...maybe i shouldn't compare them as birds, but anyway it just a saying, so it doesn't matter lah...
We pretend to went to Esther house as usual for our bible study without telling Hui Yee and her sister. After me and my brother arrived, they had already arrived and Gabriel and Ling Ching was already there doing Add Maths. So we waited for Kai Ling who is our bible study advisor to arrive. Only after Kai Ling arrived then Hui Yee and her sister knew we wasn't going to have bible study but going to Ee Hsin's house to celebrate their birthday. So the seven of us squeeze into Kai Ling's car which is a MYVI....can u imagine that...six of them stack themselves at the back and i was the one relaxing in the front....haha~~~XD!
After we had arrived at Ee Hsin's house, we waited outside while Kai Ling phone Ee Hsin's sister. After that, Kai Ling went to fetch Amanda and Evonne who is staying near by while we were still waiting outside the house. After a few minutes, Kai Ling came back and went into the house to get some matches as she forgotten to bring the lighter with her (as usual). After we had lighten up the candles on the cake, we went into the house and we sang a birthday song to Ee Hsin and then once again to Hui Yee. Then, we went into the house.
The first thing i feel was cooling....because her house is fully air conditioned. So much better than my house.
<<<This was the cake which consist of 80% chocolate, 10% of cake and 10% cream and hazelnut.
<<<Hui Yee
After they had make their wishes and cut the cake, we prayed for them....
This was Kai Ling serving the cake.
We also play a game which i don't know what it should be called....maybe like " Your Strong Point Game" or maybe it should be call the " Who has the thickest Skin Of All" was introduced by Kai Ling. The game starts with everybody having 4 coins in their hands. It supposed to be four 20 cents coins but due to the shortage of 20 cents coins, we just play with whatever kinds of coins we got. We even got Hong Kong's 2 dollar coin.
We need to say one strong points of our own in other to discard a coin and if any other people also share the strong point as you, they also can discard a coin. The first person to finish will be the winner and we will see whoever still own the most coins will be the loser where he or she will be punished to eat that sweet cake. It sounds great huh...but i tell you when you are so sick of eating that cake you would think that it wasn't that good.
These are some pictures during the game and the cake in the middle was our punishment.
This is one of the decoration on the cake....
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