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Monday, February 22, 2010

Everything is NEW!!!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!!! Still on time to greet huh?? Finally got time to update my outdated blog. Thank God, i finished all my biology reports yesterday but i ended up having my shoulder back aching(too much of erasing and drawing). School reopens today, i got back most of my test papers. Still got a couple of homework needed to be done, assignment to be completed and etc. 

Really need to adjust my time back to normal, or else i will be struggling every morning. So that is all for this post.

Tho whole CNY, the overall was quite okay. Short update.

Friday, February 19, 2010


一整夜 翻阅过去画面

走一步又一步 我才发现绕了个圈 
走了好几年 又回到原点

你送的礼物 会不会太特别
毫不避讳 那不安的传言
但渐行渐远 习惯到没感觉

你送的礼物 在此刻好体贴
陪我回忆 把过往走一遍
穿了这些年 难免会有污点
就像每段爱 总会有终点

世上最残酷的 恐怕是时间
困住人 一切却还向前

走一步又一步 却跟不上你的脚步
你满意了 为什麼我却只想要哭

你说做自己吧 我们都做回自己 哦~

你送的礼物 原来是一场劫
终於分别 夙命一样准确
可笑到想要 你赔给我时间

光著脚我一路奔跑 鲜血泪水一路狂飙
收起我的骄傲 承认曾经备受煎熬
鞋上那记号 只有你能明了
过了这一夜 我就全忘掉

currently addicted to this song... <3

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So, Lunar New Year is here!

It seems to be quite some time i haven't been updating my blog. So the last post was like two weeks ago??? Wait, i go and check....i think i underestimated my duration of it was about a month ago. What to do....i am a very Very VERY busy person okay....*proud* LOL...

What i was doing, you asking? Many things i would answer...

Overall, busy with school stuff(the main thing). Last week just came back from our form6 camp. I won't grade it as brilliant or excellent, just normal because it causes my skin to be tanned like apunene, furthermore before CNY and our exam will be taking place like...two days after it. TIRED is the word i would say. That camp cost me a T-shirt(habis, can't get rid of that stain..T.T) and my skin to be tanned. This coming friday, still need to be pengawai for the road relay thing, another "excellent" sun bathing opportunity.

I just finish my last official paper today (MUET not consider). Waiting for CNY holiday, but it will still be use as last minute homework doing period. Lets see, 4 bio reports, ecology report, another bio project (bio seems to rule my holiday), the leafs and insects, and more to come.....who cares, it CNY and i'm going to enjoy myself first......

Okay, i think my friend Mr.Chow is calling me for game of chess or maybe fishing later...don't know lah...see ya...
